Debian Long Term Support work 2024 August


  • Checked dns-root-data 2024041802 for buster. It does not look like this will be part of the point release and should therefore be handled in scope of ELTS project.
  • Went through the LTS task list and
    • Suggested to close a few (many) tasks because buster is now handled by ELTS. Sent an email asking if anyone objects from doing so.
    • Closed three tickets to backport linux since such a ticket already exist for ELTS. It said that we should check whether it is needed in the description so it should be safe to close.
    • Started to look into how to ensure that DLA and ELA entries can be consistency checked. Sometimes people make a mistake to tag a DLA/ELA to a CVE that has nothing to do with the package corrected. Found a few faults in the current parsing algorithms. Wrote a new check script and modified gen-DSA to include those checks. Not yet merged to master but a merge request exist on the security tracker.
    • Checked autopkgstatus for bullseye:
      • imagemagick pass on so closing that ticket
      • frr pass on so closing that ticket
      • salt pass on (except armhf architecture) so closing that ticket.


  • Responded to an email about an issue with the google analytics template for the elts website.
  • Helped clarifying the support status of the "tiles" package.
  • Checked dns-root-data for stretch and jessie to see if it warrants an update. The conclusion is that it does not warrant an update since the changes in unstable is:
    • FTBFS fix - not important
    • Not install root.hits.sig since it is not used by any package. This may be true for unstable but requires more investigation for earlier releases. In any case it it not an update that is required and can therefore safely be skipped. In fact it is safer to skip it than to do it.
  • Checked dns-root-data for buster as well. Created a ticket for that in the ELTS task list since we should have that. See also notes about dns-root-data in LTS above.